Jwing-Ming Yang-Chin Na In Depth Courses Vol 1-12

"Chin Na" means "Seize Control"
Learn Chin Na (Qin Na) for controlling and incapacitating your opponents with finger, hand, and joint-locking techniques. Each of these techniques is presented up-close and in detail, and can be found in Dr. Yang's bestselling book Comprehensive Applications of Shaolin Chin Na.

Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming, one of the world's foremost authorities on Chin Na (Qin Na) demonstrates and instructs his techniques up-close and in detail. Chin Na, the art of controlling an opponent through joint locks and acupressure cavities, is an essential part of all Chinese martial styles, and it will be a valuable addition to any other martial system.

Format: mkv/mp4 kualitas gambar DVDRip

Harga Satuan @Rp 30.000,

Harga komplit Vol 1 - 12 : ada 12 video total: Rp 325.000,- 
(+bonus ebook)
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