Understanding Qigong Complete Series - Dr Yang Jwing Ming

Understanding Qigong DVD 1—What is Qigong? & The Human Qi Circulatory System
Dr. Yang presents a clear and fascinating scientific explanation of his Qigong theory, and offers simple Qigong exercises for you to begin experiencing your Qi (energy).

Understanding Qigong DVD 2—Keypoints of Qigong & Qigong Breathing
Dr. Yang delves deeper into his Qigong theory and explains keypoints for correct and efficient Qigong practice, and details the methods of Qigong breathing.

Understanding Qigong DVD 3—Embryonic Breathing
Also known as ‘back to childhood breathing’, this qigong meditation technique is the foundation of internal cultivation and advanced practice.

Understanding Qigong DVD 4—Four Seasons Qigong
Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming discusses the theory of Four Seasons Qigong (Si Ji Gong), and offers 25 exercises and massage techniques to help your body adjust naturally to the change of seasons.

Understanding Qigong DVD 5—Small Circulation
Small Circulation provides abundant Qi energy to the circulatory system branching out to the entire body. The practice can improve your general health, and it is a fundamental step in the practice of spiritual enlightenment meditation.

Understanding Qigong DVD 6—Martial Arts Breathing
With Martial Qigong Breathing you can condition the joints, develop improved rooting and manifest significant martial power. Includes Dan Tian breathing, Yongquan breathing, Laogong breathing, Four Gates breathing, Spiritual breathing, and Martial Grand Circulation.

seri komplit Ada 6 video, Volume 1-6
format: mp4
frame: 720 x480 px
text: Bahasa Inggrtis bisa di edit ke bahasa indonesia *.SRT
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