Felix Valencia - Lameko Escrima

This movie shows one of the most famous areas of the modern FBI, Lameko Escrima / Lameco Escrima.Napravlenie was developed by the present bearer of tradition Edgar Sulite, which is enough to say one was one of the instructors Dan Inosanto / Dan Inosanto. Characterize this node can be simple: no rituals and dogmas, only tested in battle effektivnost.V this movie is the direction of instructor Felix Valencia, a person who enters the U.S. Karate Hall of Fame and the FBI. In this series there is a knife fight and protect from the knife.

  Format : mpg
Durasi : cd 1: 00:56:06 / cd 2 : 00:23:22
Harga satuan: Rp 30.000,-
beli 2 cd cuma: Rp 50.000,- (bonus ebook)
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